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What we stand for

Through the work with our partners, CBC has always taken a stand to promote the sustainable, fair industrialization of Svay Rieng, one of the least economically developed regions in Cambodia. 

The establishment of bicycle production factories has indeed led to the growth of a wider bicycle manufacturing supply chain of wheels, rims, carbon frames, and material supplies, finally creating almost 1,000 additional direct jobs.

The EU has recognized the CBC companies for their fair-trade practices and as important suppliers to the EU market. The three CBC companies are the only three bicycle manufacturing companies in Cambodia exempted by the EU from the Union's 2015 anti-dumping tariffs. As a result, almost all Cambodian bicycles exported to the EU have been manufactured by the companies represented by CBC.


In this context, in early 2020 CBC has successfully lobbied for the European Commission to not withdraw the “Everything But Arms” (EBA) trade benefits for Cambodian bicycle exports to the EU.  We are pleased that we can continue to employ the thousands of people that we do, and maintain our exports to the EU, which represent great value and great quality bikes to the consumers.

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