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Who we are

The Cambodian Bicycle Coalition (CBC) comprises three bicycle manufacturing companies, A&J Co. Ltd., Smart Tech Co. Ltd., and SpeedTech Industrial Co. Ltd., that together represent the majority of Cambodian bicycle manufacturing as well as the majority of exports to the EU. 

CBC companies, owned by their respective parent companies based in Taiwan, are all located in the rural province of Svay Rieng on the Cambodia-Vietnam border. Through its work, CBC supports around 6,000 jobs in the region and promotes fair and equal working conditions.  As for 2019, more than 80 percent of our partners' annual production is exported to the EU.  The success of our industry thus supports significant economic and social progress for the 500,000 people living in Svay Rieng province.

The Coalition was created following the decision by the European Union dated February 11, 2019 to launch a procedure for temporary withdrawal of the tariff preferences provided to the Kingdom of Cambodia under article 19 of Regulation (EU) No. 978/2012.

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